Merger Day 2025!

Happy New Year DT Community !

Let's kick off 2025 w/ Merger Day! This will be at Jan 6, 2025!

What is Merger Day?

- All email accounts will now have 1 team.  If your account has more than 1 slot, you will be prompted to select 10 players from across all your save slots. 

What team/slot will remain?

- Your most used save slot will be your team. As of today, game time is recorded at every login and will be the basis of this. I suggest everyone to keep playing on the account you want to retain.

- Choose your main account at save slot layout

What happens to the other save slots?

- It will no longer be accessible and be deleted soon.

Why merge save slots?

- The main reason is to reduce existing issues/bugs with accounts like name changes & team change. I think having multiple slots in one account might be causing this issue. Even if it's not, this will at least minimize the factors when debugging (My past self truly underestimated account handling)


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